Compare Search Engines

A good search engine is difficult to find these days, with people constantly trying to hide things from you. I created this website to give people a bit of information which makes the decision of where to search a bit easier. It is mainly based on information from The Search Engine Map but includes functionality which allows you to dive into options easily.

The most important thing to say here is that there are very few independent search options which is a key way for you to get results which are different from niche sites. If you are using a search option which uses bing or google (most of them) then what you see will be the mainstream very often. IF what you want to see is something outside of the mainstream, then you need to send your query to an index with non mainstream results. Simple.

You should also check out this piece from DigDeeper who's list is a great resource for understanding the kind of censorship that is out there, it certainly helped me to understand better one of the options mentioned here a lot that the bots online seemed to be pushing.

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Mojeek is independent and from england, so you would expect a lot of censorship but wherever it is it is quite hard to find. They will still have msm stuff but it seems to be more happy to give you stuff which is actually what you search for. It also gets you to page 100 very often if that is where you want to go. I do not really like how it looks, but they seem to be quite small, so are possibly under the radar for the censors for a lot of things. You can turn off Wikipedia in their settings which is good but Sometimes I get a weird 404 error when searching.

Yandex is independent and russian (woooo, well, kind of as they are now kind of based in Israel) which means that for a lot of things it is for now untouched by Western governments and censorship that is thrown down by these kinds of rulers. Very good option for finding things you can't find elsewhere. That being said, you cannot get past the first 10sh pages without it constantly asking you if you're a bot, and it also has a lot of russian results for some searches. Also very bad for being private, but not so bad if you are not russian.

DuckDuckGo does not have an index, it will give you the same results as Bing, as well as Ecosia, Yahoo, Metager, Qwant, Lilo, Swisscows and many others. As they all give the sameish results I have included one option on this page so as to not just have the same thing over and over. They have been accused of censorship before, but it looks like that comes from Microsoft, and not from Duck, as they all give the same results. Duck is private though so if you need to use Bing, you should go for them.

If you need to use Google you should use startpage, it is the same thing but with privacy. The company itself looks like it is quite woke, but i dont think they are able to influence much of what they are getting, and if they were it would not be an issue as it is woke already! From Netherlands which is a great place for private tools!

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